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Relaxing By The Pond

Relaxing By The Pond
Jacob & JackRyan

Sunday, January 15, 2023

Jenny and Jesus (Proof that Jesus Exists 100%)

Sometimes in life, you get shown something in a way that speaks to your soul. It speaks so loudly that there is no doubting it for the rest of your life. In fact, it changes you for the rest of your life, and that is exactly what happened to me when I was 13 years old. When I was 8, my little sister, Janette Louise, was born. This was in the early 80's, and when she was born she had heart birth defects that would plague her health for years to come. She had several surgeries and preventive care type of measures done to her. They seemed to be putting off the inevitable as long as possible because they knew they would eventually have to preform open heart surgery on this tiny blonde haired, blue eyed, little doll of a girl. Jenny was a spunky tiny girl, pug nose, a few freckles, cotton top white hair, and those blue eyes; wow, those blue eyes. I was her step-sister, we had the same mom. She was my world and I was hers. Our parents left us alone a lot in the next five years and so to me, Jenny was more like my little shadow, or a daughter than a little sis, and that was fine by me. She use to joke that she wanted to be just like me when she grew up. The laughable part was that she wanted to be a cheerleader and play the saxophone like me, like that was some big thing. I would chuckle silently when she'd go on and on. She was the only one in my world that thought I was special. All she had to do to be special in my eyes was to exist. I loved/love her so much. She on the other hand was the "sickly" child, spoiled rotten by our parents. She got what she wanted, when she wanted it and that was all there was to that. She only got disciplined one time in her entire life and it was when she picked the heads off of about 15-20 of my mom's prize winning yellow tulips. That was a day she and I never forgot. Though Jen was my everything I will say, to help you all understand this story, she was not a religious child. I had never heard her say the word Jesus, or God, or anything of the like. She was just a typical little girl who played with her cabbage patch doll named Becky, which was really a cross of a Strawberry Shortcake doll and a homemade Cabbage Patch doll, that my Aunt Wanda had made her, but to her Becky was amazing and went everywhere with her. She also loved her Carebears, her Muppets, her Seseme Street, and her Weebles. I loved playing dolls with her. So roughly around a month after her fifth birthday her little abdomen started swelling up. I was only 13 at the time, so I am not sure on the medical reasoning but whatever was going on made the heart doctors very concerned and they said that it was time for her surgery. So we gathered our things and headed to Wichita, Kansas to Wesley Medical Center. At the time it was one of the best hospitals we could have taken her to, especially in Kansas. My parents actually lied to get me to stay on the floor with her, as I think you had to be 14 or so to stay on the floor, 14 or 15, I can't remember, but anyway, I spent the night in a hard green recliner by her bed. The nurse had been in and turned the lights off at a certain time and my folks had retired to go to the Ronald McDonald House that was close to the hospital for a quick night's rest before her surgery in the morning. Anyway, as I was saying, the hospital room was now dimly lit by the t.v. that was over-head on the wall. We were watching Johnny Carson. It was funny and we were enjoying the show with lots of giggles. Then all of the sudden I heard Jenny talking. She was right beside me in her bed, I in the recliner, I'm looking at her and she is making manerisms like she is talking to someone in the corner of the room; someone I cannot see but clearly she can. I witness Jenny starting and stopping a conversation with someone, she pauses now nad then and answers questions someone is asking her. I hear her say, "Yeah, but my belly hurts and I can't run and play." Then I hear her pause, and shake her head yes, and then say it again but in a different way, "I just can't run and play anymore." Then she pauses again, shakes her head yes as she says, "Okay." In a matter of fact, okay kind of matter like it was no big deal and turns back to look at the t.v. again. Now, keep in mind, this entire time, my sister has not acted alarmed, or scared, or shocked, or even suprised that this person that I cannot see has walked into her room and started talking to her. I finally get up the nerve and say to her, "Who were you talking to?" She looks at me like I was the stupidest person in the world and says, "Jesus!" And looks back at the t.v. You could have pushed me over with a feather. I honestly didn't know what to say. I had never heard her say his name or pray, let alone have a conversation with him with her clearly seeing him as clearly as she sees me. "What did he say?" I asked. "He said he was going to take my pain away and then take care of me." Again in a matter of fact tone. I just sat there, motionless, it was like I was afraid to say anything else. I just sat there. I didn't know what else to say. Now, of course later, I thought of a hundred questions I could have asked but perhaps Jesus had a hand in just giving me peace in what she said and letting me fall asleep. Because honestly, I don't know how I could have fallen asleep after that without some kind of help. The next day, she woke up for her surgery and saw her dad, my step dad walking into her room. She sat straight up and said, "Daddy, daddy, guess who I talked to last night? Jesus daddy! Jesus!" Her Dad was in the middle of talking to a nurse so he didn't get the full impact of what she was talking about and just said, "Fine, fine honey, that's nice." And kinda waved her off. I sat there looking at her and then looking at him like no, you don't understand Dad, she REALLY talked to Jesus last night. But before I could say a word I was rushed out of the room so they could prep her for surgery. That was the first day of my life that I actually prayed unselfishly for the first time. I prayed all day that God would in fact take her pain away and take care of her, I did add, that if that meant she could come home with me GREAT but if that meant she had to go home to Heaven, that I understood. I just wanted her pain to go away and her to be taken care of by Jesus. She was in surgery for 14 total hours because they nearly had to do two open heart surgeries because as they were closing her from the first, her valve stopped working in her heart and they had to open her back up. :( She died the next morning. I did see her, later that same day. And no, I had never seen a ghost before... and I haven't seen her since that day but she made her presence known to me several times that day. Once I saw her standing at the end oft the hallway in front of her bedroom door. She was wearing a white nightgown with a yellow carebear on the front and she was holding Becky the doll. I could see the wood grain of the door through her. She just stood there gently smiling, and then I blinked and she was gone. Then later that evening, I saw her swinging around and around a pole of my neighbors carport, still in the same outfit. Then she was gone again. Then, I went to bed, and I don't know if I was asleep for this one or not, but I closed my eyes and opened them, and a white light came from my closet (it was her room I was sleeping in that I now wanted to be mine so I could feel close to her). She walks out of the light, still in the same white nightgown. She walks right up beside my bed and does not move her mouth but talks to me with her mind I guess. She says, "Daddy isn't ready to say good-bye yet... but there are so many flowers! And you can pick as many as you want!" Then she turned, and walked back into the light and poof, was gone. I KNEW THAT was a REAL message from my sister cause only she and I had known about her only time getting in trouble was over flowers. LOL It brings me peace that she is in Heaven picking as many as she wants! I will join her someday, and I know Jesus will one day walk into my room and welcome me home just as he did Jenny. :) Please know, that Jesus Christ died for all of your sins, no matter how great! He was the final blood sacrifice! All you have to do is repent of your sins and accept him as your personal Saviour! Ask him into your heart! YOU ARE SAVED! Then... try hard to live a holy life as Christdid... read his Word, be baptized, read ONLY God's Word KJV or earlier Bibles - nothing newer cause they have taken things out of context, taken complete verses out etc. So stick with the older versions. ASK him to help you, and he will!!!!! God bless you! See you in Heaven!